Family Stories
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Saturday, 22 June 2024

Thomas Back and Mary Drake

Church of St Paul, Durnford Street, East Stonehouse, Plymouth
cc-by-sa/2.0 - © N Chadwick -

Thomas Back (39) married Mary Drake (42) at the Chapel of St Paul, East Stonehouse on 22 Jun 1852. Both gave their address as 20 George Street, which is in Devonport. Thomas was listed as a Labourer, son of Thomas Back, Shipwright and Mary Drake as daughter of Thomas Drake, Shipwright. This, I believe, is all nearly true. Thomas Back, bap. 24 Oct 1813 in Stoke Damerel, was actually the son of John Back, Shipwright and Martha Norton. 

Mary Drake, b. 20 Apr 1810 and baptised in Stoke Damerel on 15 Dec 1812, was the daughter of Thomas Drake, Shipwright and Frances Poad.

In 1841, Mary Drake (30) had been among a long list of people residing in Hill Street, St Helier, Jersey, along with her mother, Frances Drake (75), Edward Drake (9) and Mary Drake (5). There is a baptism for this latter child, in St Helier, Jersey on 25 Jun 1837, illegitimate daughter of Mary Drake.

We next find Mary Drake (44) Unmarried, Tayloress (sic) in Stoke Damerel Workhouse in 1851, accompanied by Mary Drake (14) born in St Helier, Jersey; George Drake (8) and Thomas Drake (0). George Drake, was born 23 Jan 1843 and bap. 30 Jul 1843, illegitimate son of Mary Drake with abode given as Workhouse. Thomas Drake b. 1850 D Quarter in STOKE DAMEREL Volume 09 Page 429, has no mother's maiden name (illegitimate). He was later known as Thomas Back and named Thomas Back as his father.

After their marriage in 1852, the couple added a daughter:
  1. Eliza Back b. 1853 S Qtr in STOKE DAMEREL Vol 05B Page 266
On the 1852 marriage, Thomas Back was listed as a Bachelor, however, it is my belief that he had previously married Eliza Stafford on 7 Aug 1837 at St Andrew's Church, Plymouth. On this marriage, Thomas Back was listed as a Mariner, son of John Back, Shipwright. (There is a Thomas Back b. 1813 listed among Britain, Merchant Seamen, 1835-1857.) In 1841, Thomas Back (25), Eliza Back (20), Eliza Back (2) and Mary Back (0) were among a long list of people (boarders perhaps) in Pembroke Street, one of Devonport's principal streets, with a great number of retailers and public houses.

In fact, they had the names of the their daughters transposed. Mary Ann Elizabeth Back was born in 1838 J Quarter in STOKE DAMEREL Volume 09 Page 418 (mother's maiden name confirmed as Stafford). Eliza Ann Back, for whom I cannot find a birth registration, was born around Sep 1840 and died on 26 Aug 1842 (1842 S Quarter in STOKE DAMEREL Volume 09 Page 332). This second child was buried on 30 Aug 1842, in Stoke Damerel.

In 1851, William Still (32) was living as husband and wife in Stoke Damerel with Eliza 'Still' (36) 'Wife', his three daughters (presumably from a previous relationship) and Mary A Back (12) described as his Daughter-In-Law - which I've often seen used interchangeably, as here, to mean Step-Daughter. While I can find no evidence of a marriage between Eliza and William Still, this does suggest, unless she had died by the following year, that Thomas Back may have been committing bigamy in 1852. As yet I've found no further records for Eliza Back or as Eliza Still to confirm or deny the situation. Although calling himself a bachelor and misnaming his father on the 1852 marriage might be seen as evidence of Thomas Back attempting deliberate subterfuge. It also didn't add up that Thomas and Mary's marriage took place in Stonehouse when they lived in Devonport and I think this is probably the reason why.

We lose sight of Thomas and Mary also until, in 1881, when Thomas Back (70) Labourer and Mary Back (72) Tailoress, were found living at 40, Cannon Street, Devonport, seemingly in a separate household, but the very same address as their daughter, Eliza and her husband, Samuel Eastabrook.

Mary Back died in 1883 J Quarter in STOKE DAMEREL Volume 05B Page 226, with age estimated at 75. Thomas Back died five years later, in 1888 D Quarter in STOKE DAMEREL Volume 05B Page 217, age given as 78.

Mary Drake's children:
  1. Edmund Drake b. 7 Oct 1832, bap. 22 Jan 1849 in Stoke Damerel, Devon, son of Mary Drake, Single Woman. Mary's eldest illegitimate child was listed, in 1841, as Edward Drake, born around 1832 on the Isle of Jersey. On both of his marriages, Edmund named his father as Edmund Drake (often correct, but also common is saying the same as one's own name when the father is not known). He also lists his father as a Tailor. Mary was a Tailoress and again, when people make stuff up for the records, there's usually a grain of truth in it, as we can see here.
  2. Mary Drake (bap. 25 Jun 1837 in St Helier, Jersey) died on 3 Jun 1878 (1878 J Quarter in STOKE DAMEREL Volume 05B Page 261) with age estimated as 38 (she was 40). She was buried on 7 Jun 1878, with her abode on the burial record as 40, Cannon Street, Devonport.
  3. George Drake b. 23 Jun 1843, bap. 30 Jul 1843. George Drake from Devonport, Devon, with date of birth listed as 23 Jun 1843 joined the Royal Navy at the Royal William [Yard] on 31 Jul 1857 as a Boy 2nd Class. In 1861, at 17, George was with the "Royal Navy At Sea And In Ports Abroad". He appears to have served until 13 Feb 1868, when he was invalided. He next turns up, in 1881, aged 39, as a boarder in the household of Cornwallis Johnson from Shelford, Cambridgeshire at 19, Pitt Street, Stansfield, Todmorden, Yorkshire, employed as Cellarman at cotton mill. After that, we lose sight of him unfortunately.
  4. Thomas Drake, later known as Thomas Back b. 1850

These pages are a work in progress. Follow That Page can monitor changes, as further research is done. Where something is unconfirmed, I've tried to make this clear, but include the information as it may provide further clues.

General Register Office (GRO) references for births and deaths, where appropriate, are quoted, so that you can more easily locate certificates. I do not routinely purchase certificates for any other than my direct ancestors, which I'm willing to share. If you have information, certificates, etc., you can offer, please get in touch.