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Showing posts with label Baker (occupation). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baker (occupation). Show all posts

Thursday, 26 December 2024

Dan Stephen Thompson Botterill and Mary Jane Harris

Skull & crossbones on the gatepost at the entrance to
St. Nicholas' Church, Deptford Green, SE8

cc-by-sa/2.0 - © Mike Quinn -

Dan Stephen Thompson Botterill, son of Daniel Botterill and Sarah Elizabeth Tompson, married Mary Jane Harris, daughter of Alfred Richard Harris and Jane Elizabeth Jones, at Christ Church Watney Street, on 26 Dec 1878

Dan, a fitter, gave his address as 225 Cable Street. Mary Jane's address was 34 Deptford Green, where her father was a baker by trade. Dan had spent his early years in Deptford Green too, when his parents kept The White Hart, which the census records show was next door to the bakery. Witnesses to the marriage were Alfred Richard Harris - who could have been Mary Jane's father or her younger brother - and Eliza Ann Harris, the bride's sister.

Dan and Mary had eight children: 
  1. John Botterill b. 1880 M Quarter in HOLBORN Vol 01B Page 742
  2. Daniel Thompson Botterill b. 1882 M Qtr in GREENWICH Vol 01D 987, baptised at 18 on 22 Mar 1900 at St James Hatcham
  3. Alice Botterill b. 1884 S Quarter in GREENWICH Vol 01D Page 981
  4. Kate Elizabeth b. 1886 J Quarter in GREENWICH Vol 01D Page 1008
  5. Bessie Botterill b. 1 Aug 1888 S Quarter in HOLBORN Vol 01B 756
  6. Esther Botterill b. 31 Jan 1891 M Qtr in GREENWICH Vol 01D 1089
  7. Alfred Botterill b. 31 Oct 1894 D Qtr in GREENWICH Vol 01D 1045
  8. Florrie Botterill b. 1900 M Quarter in GREENWICH Vol 01D Page 1072
In 1881, they were living at 16, Duke Street, St Paul Deptford, Greenwich, with Dan (24), Engine Fitter, Mary (22) and their eldest child, John (1).

In 1891, living in Bentham Street, St Paul Deptford, Greenwich, we find Dan (34), Steam Engine Fitter, Mary (32), Daniel (9), Bessie (2) and Esther (0), as well as Thomas Thompson (54), a blacksmith and Janet Thompson (51), visitors, from Monkwearmouth, Durham. John (11) and Alice (6) were visiting their Botterill grandparents at the Holly Tree Arms in Lewisham, while Kate was staying with her Harris grandparents at The Green, Deptford.

In 1901, still at Bentham Street, Deptford, were Dan (44), Marine Engine Fitter, Mary Jane (42), Daniel (19), Alice (19), Kate (14), Bessie (12), Esther (10), Alfred (6) and Florrie (1). John (21), Sign Writer, was staying with his grandmother, Sarah Elizabeth Botterill at 49, Wisteria Road, Lewisham. 

By 1911, they'd moved to 65 Childers St, Deptford, with Dan (54), Marine and General Fitter, Mary (52), Alice (26), Seed Packer, Bessie Standing (22) (married in 1909), Esther Botterill (20), Seed Packer, Alfred Botterill (16), Pattern Maker Apprentice, Florrie Botterill (11), Thomas Harris (31), Boiler Makers Rivetter (Mary Jane's brother) and George Standing (0), visitor. John Botterill (31), was still at 49 Wisteria Road, Lewisham with his aunt, Mary Louisa Adcock Botterill. Daniel Thompson Botterill, who had married in 1905, had died in 1908, aged just 26. Kate Botterill, in 1911, was working as a Housemaid at 50 Pall Mall, St James Westminster, London. 

Dan Stephen Thompson Botterill died on 16 Apr 1917, aged 60 and is buried in Brockley and Ladywell Cemetery together with his parents.

In 1921, Mary Botterill (62) Widow, was still living at 65, Childers Street, Deptford with Kate Botterill (35) Dispatch Clerk Film Trade; Esther Botterill (30) Machine Hand Film Trade; Alfred Botterill (26) Engineers Pattern & Maker and Florrie Botterill (21) Purse Hand Leather Worker. John Botterill (41) Sign Writer, was once again living with his aunt, Mary L A Botterill at 69, Old Road, Lee, Lewisham. Also living at 65, Childers Street, Deptford, were George and Bessie Standing and their two sons. Alice had disappeared.

Mary Jane Botterill died, at 65, on 12 Apr 1924, in 1924 J Quarter in GREENWICH Volume 01D Page 761.

  • John Botterill, died, unmarried, at 55 in Deptford in 1936
  • Kate Elizabeth Botterill died, at 80, in New Zealand, in 1966
  • Alfred Botterill married Margaret Ellen Pilling in 1923, in Dartford, Kent. Alfred Botterill is listed among Civilian War Dead, having died on 25 Oct 1940. Son of the late Daniel Botterill; husband of Margaret Ellen Botterill, of 24 Roseveare Road, Grove Park. Injured at the London Power Company; died same day at Miller Hospital.

Postcard sent to Alice Botterill at 65 Childers Street, Deptford

Thursday, 31 October 2024

Joseph Adcock and Sarah Cook

All Saints, Pytchley
cc-by-sa/2.0 - © Ian Rob -

Joseph Adcock (bap. 19 Jul 1776 at All Hallows Church, Wellingborough, married Sarah Cook (b. ~1783 in Pytchley, Northamptonshire), daughter of John Cook and Sarah Burdit, on 31 Oct 1803, at All Saints, Pytchley

Joseph and Sarah Adcock had nine children:
  1. William Adcock bap. 25 Oct 1804 (buried 29 Jan 1805)
  2. John Cook Adcock bap. 8 Aug 1805 (buried 24 Sep 1805)
  3. Elizabeth Adcock bap. 27 Oct 1806 (buried 16 Nov 1806)
  4. Lydia Adcock bap. 12 Nov 1807 
  5. William Adcock bap. 9 Jan 1809 (buried 9 Nov 1809)
  6. Mary Adcock bap. 30 Apr 1810
  7. John Adcock bap. 28 Jul 1811
  8. James Adcock bap. 31 Dec 1812
  9. Elizabeth Adcock bap. 26 Dec 1814
On son James' marriage certificate, Joseph's profession is listed as a Baker.

Joseph Adcock died at 38 and was buried, in Pytchley, on 26 Jul 1814.

Sarah Adcock was buried in Pytchley, on 15 May 1832.

Sunday, 15 September 2024

Anthony Cleghorn and Margaret Jane Murray

The River Tweed at Carham
cc-by-sa/2.0 - © Walter Baxter -
Viewed from England at Carham, the village of Birgham in Scotland is on the left

Anthony Cleghorn married Margaret Jane Murray on 15 Sep 1770 at St Paul's ChurchShadwell. Not the current church, built in 1821, but the old church, traditionally known as the Church of Sea Captains. Both "of this parish", bachelor and spinster, respectively and both were able to sign their names. Witnesses were George Cleghorn (presumably a relative) and an Andrew Hedly. Literate people, with family at the wedding, probably hadn't 'run away' to London to marry, but what brought them there and when, isn't clear.

Anthony Cleghorn was baptised at Carham, Northumberland on 17 Mar 1745, the son of John Cleghorn. There is a marriage, in Carham, of a John Cleghorn to an Isabel Edmiston, on 27 Mar 1733, who may well be his parents.

It isn't possible to go any further north than Carham, without going over the border into Scotland and with a name like Murray, there's an enormous probability that was where Margaret Jane origins were. Sadly, trying to find the right Murray in Scotland is like trying to find the right Jones in Wales or Sweeney in Ireland! So, for now at least that's as far as we can go. 

The couple had at least three children, all baptised at St Paul's, Shadwell: 
  1. Isabella Cleghorn b. 7 Jul 1771, bap. 28 Jul 1771
  2. William Guthrie Cleghorn b. 1772
  3. Ann Phillis Cleghorn b. 1777
On the baptism record for the 21 day old Isabella Cleghorn, daughter of Anthony and Margaret Jane, in 1771, it gives the family's address as Farmer Street, Shadwell and Anthony's occupation as a Baker.

So far, I've found no further records for this couple.

St Paul's Church, ShadwellJ Shepherd, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Sunday, 17 March 2024

Henrich Schumacher and Alice Hannah Blazey

Redfern Street showing Court House and Post Office, Redfern (NSW)

An Anglicised Henry Schumacher (b. ~1859), Baker, son of Frederick Schumacher, Smith, married Alice Hannah Blazey (b. 6 Feb 1865), Servant, daughter of Samuel Blazey and Elizabeth Wiggins, at St Thomas, Baroness Road, Bethnal Green, London on 17 Mar 1888. Witnesses to their marriage appear to be Adolf Fritz and Elizabeth Theresa Emily Duke

Various records point to the couple having thirteen children:
  1. Caroline Alice Schumacher b. 1889 S Qtr in GREENWICH Vol 01D 958
  2. Mary Elizabeth Schumacher b. 1890 D Quarter in SAINT GEORGE IN THE EAST Volume 01C Page 319
  3. Heinrich Friedrich Schumacher b. 1892 M Qtr in ST GEORGE IN THE EAST Vol 01C Page 398. Died 1892 J Qtr Vol 01C Page 245
  4. George Schumacher b. 1893 in Waterloo, Sydney, NSW. Died 1895, also in Waterloo, NSW with parents listed as Heinrich and Alice.
  5. Amelia Schumacher b. 1895 in Newtown, New South Wales
  6. Francis Joseph Schumacher b. 1896 in Waterloo, Sydney, NSW
  7. Henry Stephen Schumacher b. 1897 in Waterloo, Sydney, NSW
  8. Alice Paulina Schumacher b. 1900 in Waterloo, Sydney, NSW
  9. Frederick Ludwig Schumacher b. 1901 in Waterloo, Sydney, NSW
  10. Hilda Lilian Schumacher b. 1 Jun 1902 in Waterloo, Sydney, NSW
  11. William J Schumacher b. 1903 in Waterloo, Sydney, NSW. Died in 1903, also in Waterloo, NSW, with parents listed as Henry and Alice
  12. Rose Nell Schumacher b. 1905 in Waterloo, Sydney, NSW
  13. Alfred Louis Schumacher b. 1909 in Waterloo, Sydney, NSW
The UK GRO birth registrations list the mother's maiden name as BLAZEY. The Australian birth records give their father's name as Henry/Heinrich F (or some variation or misspelling thereof) and mother's name as Alice.

In 1891, Heinrich Schumacher (32) Skin Dyer from Failsbach, Germany, was living at 1, Mary Ann Street, St George in the East, with Alice Schumacher (27) birthplace listed as New Cross, Surrey (Alice was born in Witney, Oxfordshire, so this may be where she was previously living and working); Caroline Schumacher (22 months) and Mary Schumacher (7 months), plus three boarders: Christian Kress (26), William Rudolph (26) and Antony Scruse (31), all also Skin Dyers, who were from various towns in Germany.

Then on 16 Feb 1893, H Schumacher (34), Elise (sic) Schumacher (29), Karoline (sic) Schumacher (3) and Mary Schumacher (1) were passengers on the SS Thermopylae, who embarked in London, bound for Sydney, Australia, where they arrived in the April of that year.

Henry William Humphry married Caroline Alice Schumacher in Waterloo, New South Wales, in 1908. And Frederick Charles Humphry married Mary Elizabeth Schumacher, also in Waterloo, New South Wales, in 1910, in yet another case of two brothers marrying two sisters.

In 1913, Henry and Alice Schumacher are on the Australian Electoral Roll in Collins Street, Botany, NSW, with Henry's occupation listed as Baker.

Harold Barlow married [Amelia] Queenie Schumacher, in Redfern, in 1913.

Henry Frederick Schumacher died on 8 Dec 1916 in Redfern, New South Wales and is buried at Eastern Suburbs Memorial Park (Botany Cemetery), Matraville, New South Wales. The record of Henry's death list his parents as Frederick and Catherine, but I've been unable to locate his birth.

The six daughters of Henrich Schumacher and Alice Hannah Blazey. Photo via Karen Lewis.
Cecil Augustus Woolley
married Alice Paulina Schumacher in 1916; Henry Stephen Schumacher married Irene Eleanor Free in 1918; In 1924, David Fraser married Rose Nell Schumacher and Frederick Ludwig Schumacher married Lily Rita Day; in 1925, Sydney Victor Kenward married Hilda Lilian Schumacher in Parkes, New South Wales and in 1932, Alfred Louis Schumacher married Melba Olive Myrtle Barker, in Redfern.

Alice Hannah Schumacher died on 22 Jan 1932, also in Redfern, New South Wales and is buried with her late husband. The record of her death confirms her father's name as Samuel and her mother's as Elizabeth. The last will and testament of Alice Hannah Schumacher, of Collins Street, Botany, Widow, dated 29 Oct 1930, appointed her children as executors. She directed her daughter Mary Elizabeth Humphry to "Draw my insurance money and pay all funeral expenses"; also that, "My house and home to be left as it is till my daughter Rose Nell Fraser Widow marries again [she didn't] nothing is to be taken from the home unless they all agree. Mrs Paulina Woolley is to stay in the home as long as she wish to she will be risponsible (sic) for all rates and taxes if at any time they wish to break up the home and sell the house no furniture is to be sold the girls can divide what there is if the house is sold." Then bequeaths: "£100 is to be given to my son Francis Joseph Schumacher; £100 to Alfred Louis Schumacher; £100 to Caroline Humphry and Mary Elizabeth Humphry to divide the rest: give Henry Stephen Schumacher £5 - also Frederick Ludwig Schumacher £5 - and to divide the balance between the girls names Amelia Barlow, Alice Paulina Woolley, Hilda Lilian Kenward, Caroline Humphry, Mary Humphry, Rose N Fraser, Widow."

In 1935, the Australia Electoral Roll lists Henry William Humphry, driver, Caroline Alice Humphry and Alice Annie Humphry at Dolly Cottage, Collins Street, Botany; Frederick Charles Humphrey, wool sorter, Mary Elizabeth Humphry and Henry Frederick Humphey at Sono, Collins Street, Botany; Cecil Augustus Woolley, collar maker, Alice Paulina Woolley, Francis Joseph Schumacher, tanner, and Rose Nell Fraser as living at Francis Cottage, Collins Street, Botany; Frederick Ludwig Schumacher, tanner, and Lily Rita Schumacher were in Bourke Street; Henry Stephen Schumacher, wool scourer, and Irene Eleanor Schumacher were at 3 Spring Street. Sidney Victor Kenward, Labourer, and Hilda Lilian Kenward were also in Bourke Street; Harold Barlow, tanner and Amelia Barlow were in Smith Street.

In 1936 Francis Joseph Schumacher married Annie Webber in Redfern.

Burials (some lead to further records and family members):

These pages are a work in progress. Follow That Page can monitor changes, as further research is done. Where something is unconfirmed, I've tried to make this clear, but include the information as it may provide further clues.

General Register Office (GRO) references for births and deaths, where appropriate, are quoted, so that you can more easily locate certificates. I do not routinely purchase certificates for any other than my direct ancestors, which I'm willing to share. If you have information, certificates, etc., you can offer, please get in touch.