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Showing posts with label Midwife. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Midwife. Show all posts

Friday, 26 April 2024

William Wykes and Elizabeth Thompson

Deptford Green, SE8
cc-by-sa/2.0 - © Mike Quinn -

Elizabeth Thompson, daughter of Solomon Thompson Jnr and Maria Willis, married William Wykes at St Andrew'sCransley, Northamptonshire, on 26 Apr 1852. William, son of Edward Wykes and Mary Davies, was born on 29 Aug 1829 in Spratton, Northamptonshire and baptised at Great Creaton on 7 Jun 1830. Witnesses were Elizabeth's niece, Sarah Elizabeth Thompson (daughter of Elizabeth's brother, Daniel) and nephew, Daniel Botterill (son of Elizabeth's sister, Mary), first cousins who married four years later.

William and Elizabeth's family consisted:
  1. Anne Thompson b. 1846 in Spratton, Northamptonshire
  2. Martha Wykes b. 1853 M Quarter in BRIXWORTH Volume 03B Page 106, bap. 22 May 1853 in Spratton, Northampton
  3. Mary Ann Wykes b. 27 Mar 1855 J Quarter in GREENWICH Volume 01D Page 520, bap. 27 May 1855 at St Paul, Deptford, Kent
  4. Eliza Wykes b. 22 Mar 1857 J Qtr in GREENWICH Vol 01D Page 533
  5. Edward William Wykes b. 30 Jun 1859, reg. S Quarter in GREENWICH Volume 01D Page 550, bap. 19 Oct 1862 in Deptford, Kent
  6. Elizabeth Wykes b. 10 Jun 1861 in Cransley, reg. S Qtr in GREENWICH Vol 01D Page 569, bap. 19 Oct 1862 in Deptford, Kent
  7. John Thomas Wykes b. 24 Oct 1864 D Quarter in GREENWICH Volume 01D Page 648, bap. 23 Feb 1868 at St Nicholas, Deptford
  8. Maria Sarah Elizabeth Wykes b. 1868, bap. 23 Feb 1868 at Deptford. Died, aged 1, in 1869 S Quarter in GREENWICH Vol 01D Page 493
  9. William Thompson Wykes b. 1869 D Quarter in GREENWICH Volume 01D Page 782
The GRO birth registrations give the mother's maiden name as THOMPSON.

By 1861 William Wykes (29), Elizabeth Wykes (32), Anne Wykes (15), Martha (8), Mary Ann (6), Eliza (4) and Edward W (1), Edward Dodd (21) Lodger and John Wykes (21), were living in Deptford (as were Daniel and Sarah Botterill). Anne Wykes (15) is certainly the Ann Thompson (5) who was staying with her grandmother, Maria Thompson, in 1851. It's clear she is Elizabeth's child. It's not clear if William Wykes is her biological father, even though she is using his surname (no GRO registration).

In 1871, William Wykes (45) Labourer, Elizabeth (42), Martha (18), Mary Ann (16), Edward (11), [Sarah] Elizabeth (9), John Thomas (6) and William (0), were in Deptford, with Mary Thompson (85), Elizabeth's widowed mother. Eliza Wikes (sic) (14) was a Domestic Servant in the employ of Edward Allwright (40) Upholsterer, in New Cross Road, Deptford.

In 1881, William Wykes (51) with no employment, and son Edward William (21) Labourer, were living at 38, Deptford Green, while Elizabeth (52) was at 249, Evelyn Street, Deptford, with her occupation listed as Midwife. With her were married daughter Martha Buzzacott (28), Elizabeth Wykes (19) Assistant Nurse; John T (16) Apprentice Moulder and William T (11) Scholar.

In 1891, living in Evelyn Street, Deptford are William Wykes (63) Labourer, Elizabeth (62) Midwife and just William (21) Boiler Maker. 

William Wykes died, in Greenwich in 1892 M Quarter in GREENWICH Volume 01D Page 831, aged 62. Elizabeth Wykes died, in Greenwich, in 1894 S Quarter in GREENWICH Volume 01D Page 493, aged 65.

These pages are a work in progress. Follow That Page can monitor changes, as further research is done. Where something is unconfirmed, I've tried to make this clear, but include the information as it may provide further clues.

General Register Office (GRO) references for births and deaths, where appropriate, are quoted, so that you can more easily locate certificates. I do not routinely purchase certificates for any other than my direct ancestors, which I'm willing to share. If you have information, certificates, etc., you can offer, please get in touch.