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Showing posts with label Spitalfields. Show all posts

Sunday, 6 October 2024

John Blackett and Maria Thompson

Church of St John at Hackney
cc-by-sa/2.0 - © PAUL FARMER -

John Blackett (b. 27 Jul 1811, bap. 15 Aug 1811 at St. Leonard's, Shoreditch), son of Joseph and Frances Blackett, married Maria Thompson (bap. 19 Dec 1814 in Cransley, Northamptonshire), daughter of Solomon Thompson Jnr and Maria Willis, at St John-at-Hackney, on 6 Oct 1833.

Records suggest that the couple had at least two children:

  1. Maria Blackett b. 16 Mar 1834, bap. 29 Jun 1834 at St Mary's, Whitechapel. Maria Blackett, aged 2 years 2 months, was buried on 19 Jun 1836 (Mile End New Town (Independent): Burials)
  2. Henry Blackett b. 1847 (mentioned only on 1851 census)
In 1841, Maria Blackett (25) Dressmaker - no sign of John or any child - was staying with her brother Daniel, in Cransley, Northamptonshire.

In 1851, John Blackett (39), Butcher; Maria Blackett (38); Henry Blackett (4), birthplace Northamptonshire and George Collins (24), Carpenter, Widower, Lodger; John Nursey (18) Lodger and John Grant (25) Lodger were living in Wellington Place, Back Road, St George in the East.

In 1861, at 4, Back Road, St George in the East, were John Blackett (49) Butcher; Maria (47); William Hill Adcock (21) Bookseller's Assistant, Visitor (Maria's brother Daniel's wife's brother's son); Benjamin Thompson (19) Bricklayer, Nephew (her brother Daniel's son) and Henry M Thompson (10), Sugar Maker, Nephew, born Stepney [don't yet know whose son he was].

John Blackett died, aged 54, on 9 Feb 1866 (1866 M Qtr in ST GEORGE IN THE EAST Vol 01C Page 354), leaving his effects to Maria Blackett.

In 1871, Maria Blackett (56) Widowed, Coffee-Shop Keeper from Cransley, Northamptonshire was living at Star Corner, Bermondsey (near the Leather Market), with George S Taylor (12) Nephew from Stepney, Middlesex.

In the 2nd quarter of 1871, Maria Blackett remarried to widower, William Kenward, in St. Olave Southwark.

In 1881, William Kenward (73) House Agent from Hartfield, Sussex, was living at 17, Douglas Street, St Paul Deptford, Greenwich with Maria Kenward (68) from Cransley, Northamptonshire and George S Saville (22), Nephew, Schoolmaster, from Stepney. [See how Taylor transforms into Saville.]

Maria Kenward wife of William Kenward, late of 17 Douglas Street, Deptford, died, age estimated to 76, in Greenwich on 28 Oct 1888 (1888 D Quarter in GREENWICH Volume 01D Page 589). Her will was proved on 13 Dec 1888, by Benjamin Tompson (her nephew), the sole executor.

In 1891, William Kenward (83) House Agent, was still at 17 Douglas Street, Deptford. His grandson, Robert Hy Murray (26) was living with him.

William Kenward died at 86, in 1893 D Qtr in GREENWICH Vol 01D 750.

These pages are a work in progress. Follow That Page can monitor changes, as further research is done. Where something is unconfirmed, I've tried to make this clear, but include the information as it may provide further clues.

General Register Office (GRO) references for births and deaths, where appropriate, are quoted, so that you can more easily locate certificates. I do not routinely purchase certificates for any other than my direct ancestors, which I'm willing to share. If you have information, certificates, etc., you can offer, please get in touch.