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Showing posts with label Southwell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Southwell. Show all posts

Thursday, 17 October 2024

Herbert Edward Southwell and Emma Elizabeth Adcock

St. Mark's Church, Peterborough
cc-by-sa/2.0 - © Paul Bryan -

Herbert Edward Southwell (b. 3 Mar 1863 in WisbechCambridgeshire), son of Alfred Southwell and Louisa Boyden, married Emma Elizabeth Adcock (b. 20 Sep 1864 in Peterborough), daughter of John Adcock and Sarah Ann Richards, at St Mark's Church, Peterborough on 17 Oct 1892. Witnesses to the marriage were John Adcock, bride's father, and Sarah Wright.

The couple do not appear to have had any children.

In 1901, living at 14 Belvoir RoadBottesford, Leicestershire, were Herbert E Southwell (38) Assurance Agent and wife, Emma Southwell (36).

In 1911, they were living back in Werrington, Peterborough with Herbert (48) Insurance Agent, Emma (46) and mother-in-law, Sarah Ann Adcock (68).

Herbert Edward Southwell died on 19 Aug 1919, aged 56 (1919 S Quarter in PETERBOROUGH Volume 03B Page 191). Probate was granted to Emma.

In 1921, Emma Elizabeth Southwell (56) was living at Lincoln Road, Werrington, Gunthorpe, with her mother, Sarah Ann Adcock (78).

In 1939, Emma Elizabeth Southwell, Widow, was living at 199 Lincoln Road, Werrington. Living with her were Walter E Johnson, Automobile Engineer & Garage Proprietor and his wife, Ethel G Johnson (née Linley). 

Emma Elizabeth Southwell died on 26 Feb 1943 (1943 M Quarter in PETERBOROUGH Vol 03B Page 309). Probate was granted, on 3 Jun 1943; beneficiaries were Walter Ernest Johnson and Ethel Gertrude Johnson.

There is a post script to this couple's story. The Peterborough Standard of 3 Jul 1953 reports: New Pulpit Dedicated. "For the first time in its 800 year history, Werrington Church has a pulpit worthy of the beautiful surroundings. The dedication of the pulpit was performed on Saturday evening by Dr Spencer Leeson, Bishop of Peterborough. Other clergy in attendance were the Rev. F H Stallard, RD; the Rev. A Butterworth, the Rev. F Wesley Clifford and the Rev. G Murray Beard. The last pulpit installed in the late 19th century, is far surpassed in beauty by Leslie Moore's design in carved light oak."

On the inside of the pulpit are the words:
"To the Glory of God and in memory of Herbert Edward Southwell, died 19th August, 1919 and Emma Elizabeth Southwell, died 26th February, 1943. Dedicated by the Right Rev. Spencer Leeson, Lord Bishop of Peterborough, 27th June, 1953."
"Among the large congregation were several members of the Methodist Church, who had received a special invitation to attend. After the service the Bishop attended a reception in the Parish Hall."

Church of St. John The Baptist, Werrington
cc-by-sa/2.0 - © Paul Bryan -

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General Register Office (GRO) references for births and deaths, where appropriate, are quoted, so that you can more easily locate certificates. I do not routinely purchase certificates for any other than my direct ancestors, which I'm willing to share. If you have information, certificates, etc., you can offer, please get in touch.