Inherited Craziness
A place to share all the nuts found on my family tree

Showing posts with label Cabinet Maker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cabinet Maker. Show all posts

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Edward Green and Eliza Goodman

St. Matthew's Church, Bethnal Green
cc-by-sa/2.0 - © Dr Neil Clifton -

Edward Green (50) Licenced Victualler, Batchelor, son of William Green, Blacksmith, eventually married Eliza Goodman (49) Spinster, by Licence at Christ Church, St George in the East (Christ Church Watney Street), on 12 Jun 1870. They'd already been living together for around 30 years. Neither could read and write and each made their mark with an X. Witnesses were Charles John Osborne and Ann Bellett, Eliza's eldest sister.

Edward and Eliza had already had five lovely daughters: 
  1. Eliza Green b. 1841 J Quarter in BETHNAL GREEN Volume 02 Page 63, mother's maiden surname Goodman. (This looks like the child on the 1841 census. Eliza born 1841, does not appear on the census again.) There is a death of an Eliza Green, aged 8 in 1850 M Quarter in BETHNAL GREEN Volume 02 Page 3 that would correspond.
  2. Emma Green b. 1847 S Quarter in BETHNAL GREEN Volume 02 Page 16, with mother's maiden surname listed as Goodwin (Close LOL).
  3. Mary Ann Green b. 3 Jul 1849, bap. 29 Jul 1849 at St Matthew's, Bethnal Green. This baptism lists their address in Scott Street, Bethnal Green. Found no civil birth registration for Mary Ann. 
  4. Sarah Green b. 15 May 1854, bap. 11 Jun at Christ Church, Stepney.
  5. Eliza Louisa Green b. 21 Mar 1858 in St George in the East (1858 J Quarter in SAINT GEORGE IN THE EAST Volume 01C Page 413. Mother's maiden surname Goodman), bap. 18 Apr 1858 at Christ Church, Jamaica Street, Stepney. Died, aged 13, in 1871 S Quarter in MILE END OLD TOWN Volume 01C Page 361.
From his baptism, we discover that Edward Green was born on 28 May 1821 and baptised on 7 Oct 1821 at the church of St George in the EastCannon Street Road, son of William Green, Brazier and his wife Matilda. 

The records of the 1st and 5th births had already confirmed Eliza's surname as Goodman. The 1851 census, said she was from Braintree, Essex. On her marriage certificate, Eliza lists her father as Thomas Goodman, Carpenter, making her the daughter of Thomas Goodman and Mary Ann Pluck.

There is a record of an Edward Green (18) occupation Cabinet Maker, being indicted for stealing, on the 28th of January 1837, "1 horse-cloth, value 4s., the goods of Robert Campion". He was tried at the Old Bailey on 2 Feb 1837, found guilty and sentenced to one month in Newgate Prison.

In 1841, in Anglesea Street, St Matthew, Bethnal Green, there's a weird census entry of an Edward Green (20), Cabinet Maker, not born in the county and, with him are an Elizabeth (2) and Elizabeth (1 month). This might make sense if the first Elizabeth was 20, but it doesn't look like a mis-transcription. And Elizabeth isn't Eliza. Nevertheless, I'm still pretty sure this is them.

In 1851, living in Scott Street, Bethnal Green, we find Edward Green (32), Cabinet Maker, born in Shoreditch, with Eliza Green (28), born in Braintree, Essex, and daughter Emma Green (3). Where was Mary Ann? 

On Eliza Louisa's baptism in 1858, the family's address was given as Chapel Street, St George in the East, which was later renamed Tait Street. And we know they were already at the The King and Queen public house in 1856.

Chapel Street, St. George in the East was later renamed Tait Street (although the street doesn't exist at all now - current Tait Street is a completely different location). The King and Queen Public House, long since demolished, stood on the corner of Tait Street and Mary Street (marked P.H.) You can clearly see the area referred to as 'a yard in the rear'.

Anyway, it would seem from the newspaper report I've discovered (see below) that Edward Green was the subject of a sting operation, authorised right from the top in Scotland Yard. (If you're going to do something, aim high, eh?)

Fascinating to read dialogue that came straight out of the mouths of these ancestors, even if they do sound, shall we say, a bit on the rough side. :)

Sunday opening isn't even a crime now, but trying to blame Eliza, nooooo ....

From The Morning Chronicle of Monday, November 8, 1858.


Edward Green, the landlord of the King and Queen public-house, in Chapel Street, St. George’s-in-the-East, appeared at the Thames Police-court, on Saturday, on a police information charged with unlawfully opening his house for the sale of ale, beer and spirituous liquors on Sunday morning last, during the hours prohibited by law.

Richard Blanks, a police-constable, 81 K, stated that he was directed by Mr. Superintendent Howie, of the K division, to detect the defendant, who was in the practice of supplying people with beer and spirits on Sunday, during the whole of the day, while other houses were closed. He went to the house in plain clothes, dressed as a waterman, and was accompanied by Mrs. Randall, the female searcher at the station-house adjoining the Thames Police-court, who was the wife of a police-constable. On reaching the defendant’s house Mrs. Randall knocked at the front door, and waited some time without its being answered, and he said, “Come old lady, we shall not be served with anything here.” The door was then opened by the defendant, who narrowly scrutinised them both, and after looking at the trousers of witness, which were not blue [a laugh], said, “You will do; have what you like,” and directed them to a side door, which was opened, and they were admitted into the house and directed to a yard in the rear, in which was a private bar fitted up. There were 20 men and women in front of the small bar, and they were served with rum, gin, ale, beer, and tobacco. He saw others admitted at the side door, and let out after they were served at the back door. Mrs. Randall asked for two pennyworth of gin and cold water, which was supplied to her. He then called the landlady on one side, and told her she was doing wrong. She said, “What of it?” He then asked for the landlord, and told him what he had seen and he said it was a bad job.

The defendant, in reply to the charge, said that he could not contradict what was said. He was not aware what was done in the house. His wife did it all, and admitted people into the house without his knowledge.

Mr. Yardley: Where was the landlord – the defendant, I mean?

Blanks: He was at the front door. He directed me to the side door.

Mr Yardley: To be sure; you said so before. Don’t tell me, Mr. Green, you were not aware of it. It is a most flagrant case.

Sir Richard Mayne KCB (27 November 1796 – 26 December 1868) was a barrister and the joint first Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis, the head of the London Metropolitan Police (1829–1868).
Inspector Hayes, of the K division, said repeated complaints had been made by licenced victuallers and beer shop keepers, who complied with the law, of the practice adopted by the defendant, who stood at the front door to reconnoitre, while persons were admitted at the side door. Mr. Howie, the superintendent, had made a special complaint to Sir Richard Mayne, the Chief Commissioner of Police, and had received his permission to adopt the means of detection used on Sunday morning last. Mr. Howie intended to be present to explain to the magistrate why he adopted the unusual step of allowing a woman to accompany the constable, but was obliged to leave the court to meet the commissioners.

Mr. Yardley: There is no harm in the means adopted to detect the defendant. No trap was laid. Mr. Howie was perfectly justified in doing what he has done. There is nothing illegitimate in the mode of finding out what was going on. I would not convict if a trap had been laid, but it appears there were 20 persons in the house. I shall deviate from the ordinary practice where a first offence has been proved. I generally treat a first offence lightly, but I fine the defendant £3 and costs, because he has broken the law systematically.

The fine was instantly paid.

[£3 in 1858 is equivalent to about £375 in 2020. Source.]

In 1861, at 25, Mary Street (same place: on the corner with Tait Street), St George in the East, were Edward Green (40), Publican, Eliza (38), Emma (13), Mary (12), Sarah (6) and Eliza (3), and Harriet Blundell (12), visitor.

Edward Green died on 22 Jun 1870, aged 50, from liver and kidney disease, just 10 days after he and Eliza married. From this, we can probably deduce that he knew how sick he was and at least cared enough to leave Eliza the means, through marriage, to take over the pub licence and a livelihood.

In 1871, at Tait Street, St George in the East (still the King and Queen pub), were Eliza Green (48), Widow, Licenced Victualler, married daughter, Emma Horn (22), Barmaid, John Horn (23), Plumber, Sarah Green (17), Eliza Green (13), Eliza Thompson (2), granddaughter, Emma Horn (2), granddaughter, Edward J Horn (0), grandson, and Emily R Slade (14), General Servant.

The East London Observer in August 1875 lists Eliza Green as the outgoing licensee at the King and Queen, ending the Green's tenure at this pub. 

In 1881, Eliza was living with her daughter Sarah and her husband, Alfred James Lynch, at the Duke of Norfolk public house in Mile End Old Town. 

Eliza Green, widow of Edward Green, Licenced Victualler, died on 12 Feb 1882 (1882 M Quarter in MILE END OLD TOWN Volume 01C Page 462) at the Duke of Norfolk public house in Mile End Old Town from Chronic Bronchitis. Her death was registered by Alf J Lynch, son-in-law.

Wednesday 21 February 2024

Stephen Thomas Wilton and Sarah Anna Laver

St John the Baptist, Crondall Street, Hoxton
cc-by-sa/2.0 - © John Salmon -

Stephen Thomas Wilton (bap. 29 May 1842 at St Giles, Mountnessing), son of Henry Wilton and Sarah Staines, married Sarah Anna Laver (b. 1854) on 21 Feb 1874 at the church of St. John the Baptist, Hoxton. Reported in The Essex Standard, West Suffolk Gazette, and Eastern Counties' Advertiser of Friday, February 27, 1874, it states that Sarah Anna was the second daughter of the late Mr. John Laver, of Felsted [and his wife Caroline Stevenson].

Stephen and Sarah Wilton had five children:
  1. Thomas Stephen Wilton b. 5 Feb 1875 M Quarter in DUNMOW UNION Volume 04A Page 429, bap. 9 Apr 1875 in Dunmow
  2. Miriam Stevenson Wilton b. 1877 J Quarter in DUNMOW UNION Volume 04A Page 443, bap. 13 Jun 1877 in Dunmow
  3. Henrietta Staines Wilton b. 1879 M Quarter in DUNMOW UNION Volume 04A Page 474, bap. 16 Apr 1879 in Dunmow
  4. Ethel Maud Wilton b. 1882 S Quarter in DUNMOW UNION Volume 04A Page 524, bap. 15 Oct 1886 in Barking
  5. William Laver Wilton b. 1883 D Quarter in DUNMOW UNION Volume 04A Page 556, bap. 15 Oct 1886 in Barking
The last two baptisms list their father with his original trade of Cabinet Maker. In 1861, Stephen Wilton (19), in the High Street, Great Dunmow was listed as a Cabinet Maker. Still there in 1871, Stephen Thos., aged 29, was once again described as a Cabinet Maker. The Post Office Directory of Essex 1874 also listed Stephen Thomas Wilton as a cabinet maker.

In 1881, Stephen T Wilton (39), Upholsterer, at the Furnishing Warehouse, High Street, Great Dunmow, with wife Sarah A (26), Thomas S (6), Miriam S (4) and Henrietta S (2) and Lizzie Turner (15), General Servant.

The Essex Newsman on 16 Sep 1882 reported that Mr Robert Low, livery-stable keeper and proprietor of the Dunmow Temperance Hotel (White Lion, High Street, Dunmownow in retail use), was summoned for being drunk while in charge of a horse and cart on the highway at Great Dunmow on Wednesday, 30 Aug. [I'll wait while you ponder the irony of the proprietor of a temperance establishment being drunk.] The point of mentioning this case is that the horse and cart, we were told, were the property of Mr. Stephen Wilton. Stephen didn't have the best sort of friends, me thinks.

In 1883, John Stokes of Great Dunmow, thatcher, was charged with obtaining a hayfork, value 2s. 2d., from Mr. Stephen T. Wilton, ironmonger, at Dunmow on the 11th July. The prisoner went to plaintiff's shop and represented to a youth in charge that he was going to thatch Mr. H. Wilton's stack (complainant's father's), and was sent by him for a fork. A fork was supplied, and the statement was found to be false. The magistrate consented to the case being settled out of court on defendant paying the costs, 6s. 2d., which he gladly did.

So after many years working as a Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer, it would appear that Stephen Wilton had changed his trade to ironmongery.

Stephen Thomas Wilton, like his brother, Henry Staines Wilton, was my 1st cousin 4 times removed. Unlike his older brother, who died leaving a large fortune, Stephen Thomas Wilton committed suicide. The newspaper reports of the time give more graphic detail than we're used to today, so I feel it's fair to issue a trigger warning. Please DON'T read on if it may cause you distress.

Essex Newsman 21 June 1884:


On Saturday Dunmow was startled by the news that Mr. S. T. Wilton of 59, Maury Road, Stoke Newington, London, had died early that morning. The news was transmitted by telegraph to his father, Mr. Hy. Wilton, harness maker, and later it transpired that the deceased had risen about four o'clock that morning and cut his throat in his own kitchen. Mr. S. T. Wilton had for some years carried on the business of a cabinet maker at the Furniture Warehouse, High Street, Dunmow, until as late as the end of April, when his stock in trade was sold by auction by Mr. Jackson. It had been his intention to join with Mr. Robt. M. Low, of the Temperance Hotel, in taking a large mineral water business in London, but somehow the matter fell through; but deceased had the appointment of manager. The deceased leaves a widow (formerly Miss Laver, of Felsted) and five young children, the youngest an infant. The greatest sympathy is felt for his relatives at Dunmow, especially for his father, who has lived in the town all his life, and earned great respect.

Hackney and Kingsland Gazette 16 June 1884 

Report from the Hackney and
Kingsland Gazette 16 June 1884

On Saturday morning a distressing suicide occurred at 59, Maury Road, Clapton. The occupier, Mr. Stephen Thomas Wilton, 42, lately gave up business as a cabinet maker and, it is stated, intended entering the mineral water trade. He appeared, however, to have suffered slightly from some form of mental derangement, and on Friday night was unusually restless. About four o'clock on Saturday he got up, and his wife asked him to make her a cup of coffee. He went downstairs, as she thought with this object, but as he did not return in a reasonable time, she also went down to the kitchen, and, to her horror, saw him standing over the sink, with the blood streaming from a large gash in his throat. A medical man was sent for, but death took place before he arrived.

"He appeared, however, to have suffered slightly from some form of mental derangement ...". FFS! If 'suffering slightly' ends up in suicide, I hate to think what the result might have been if he'd suffered greatly!  

Stephen Thomas Wilton died, at 42, on 14 Jun 1884 (1884 J Quarter in HACKNEY Volume 01B Page 293).

His widow, Sarah, didn't remarry. In 1901, we find her living at 1, Pulteney Road, Wanstead, with three of her children; Miriam, Ethel and William with hers and her daughters' occupations listed as Dressmaker. And in 1911, not far away at 35 Marlborough Road, South Woodford, with just Ethel remaining at home, who's occupation is given as "Assisting in Dressmaker business."

Sarah Anna Wilton died, aged 81, in 1936 J Quarter in ESSEX SOUTH WESTERN Volume 04A Page 244. 

Saturday 2 January 2021

John Day and Ellenor Hannah Wilton

View from Market Square in Hitchin, with St Mary's Church in the background
cc-by-sa/2.0 - © John Lucas -

John Day (b. 27 Dec 1820, bap. 25 Mar 1821 in Hitchin) son of Squire Day and Sarah Hobbs, married Ellenor Hannah (Ellen) Wilton (b. 5 Aug 1812, bap. 11 Jan 1829 in Royston, Hertfordshire), daughter of Stephen Wilton and Elizabeth Hankin, in Royston, Hertfordshire, in 1842. 

John and Ellen Day had six children: 
  1. Henry Wilton Day b. 1843 D Quarter in ROYSTON BUNTINGFORD Volume 06 Page 563
  2. Martha Hobbs Day b. 24 May 1845 (1845 J Quarter in CAMBRIDGE Vol 14 Page 12), bap. 17 Apr 1872 at St Mary The Great, Cambridge
  3. Ellen Day b.  1847 S Quarter in THE HITCHIN UNION Vol 06 Page 487 (Died, aged 9, in 1857 M Quarter in HITCHIN Vol 03A Page 160)
  4. Sarah Ann Day b. 1850 M Quarter in THE HITCHIN UNION Volume 06 Page 575. (Died 1850 D Quarter in HITCHIN Volume 06 Page 373)
  5. John Alfred Day b. 4 Jan 1852 (1852 M Quarter in BIGGLESWADE Volume 03B Page 336)
  6. Arthur Stephen Day b. 1855 J Quarter in HITCHIN Vol 03A Page 216
In 1851, John Day (30) Cabinet Maker Journeyman, Ellen Day (32ish) Dressmaker, Henry W (7), Martha H (5), Ellen (3), George Day (29) Master Tailor (John's brother) and Caleb Burrows (15), Lodger, lived in Dead Street, Hitchin - later renamed Queen Street, but that didn't improve it much. Dead Street was compared to the worst slums of London. Even in 1919: “Some houses had earth floors. The windows and doors were small and in a few cases the only window downstairs opened to a passage where there was no light and very little air. The only bedroom was like a stable loft, reached by a decrepit stairs or a ladder. Tea chests served as tables and 5 or 6 children in one bed was not unusual. It was very much survival of the fittest.

In 1861, living in Church Yard, in the same squalid, underworld area, of which was said, "Although the area was central, the whole district was taboo for the rest of Hitchin’s inhabitants." ... were John Day (41) Cabinet Maker Journeyman; Ellen Day (46), Henry Day (17) Butcher Journeyman; Alfred Day (9) and Arthur Day (6). Martha Day (14) was a House Maid in the household of Frederick Gillum (27), Cabinet Maker, in Sun Street, Hitchin

In 1871, listed as Helen Day (sic) (57) Dressmaker, Married; and Martha Day (24) Dressmaker, were living in Melbourne Street, Royston, Hertfordshire, while Alfred J Day (19) Reporter and Arthur S Day (15) Photographic Artist, were living with their grandfather, Squire Day (74) Upholsterer and Lodging House Keeper, in Back Street, Hitchin, Hertfordshire.

In 1881, Ellen Day (64) Widow, Dressmaker, Mother was living with Daniel Reeve (married to daughter Martha) in Water Lane, Kneesworth. (John Day had clearly died by 1881. It's possible he'd already died by 1871. Perhaps his death was the motivation for Martha's baptism in 1872, however, it hasn't been possible to isolate a suitable death in the relevant period.)

Subject to confirmation, it appears that Ellen Day died, with age estimated to 71, in 1889 M Quarter in HERTFORD UNION Volume 03A Page 278.

These pages are my notes on work in progress. Follow That Page can monitor changes, as further research is done. Where something is unconfirmed, I've tried to make this clear, but include the information as it may provide further clues.

General Register Office (GRO) references for births and deaths, where appropriate, are quoted, so that you can more easily locate certificates. I do not routinely purchase certificates for any, other than my direct ancestors, which I'm willing to share.

If you have information, certificates, etc., you can offer, please get in touch.