Family Stories
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Saturday, 2 January 2021

John Day and Ellenor Hannah Wilton

View from Market Square in Hitchin, with St Mary's Church in the background
cc-by-sa/2.0 - © John Lucas -

John Day (b. 27 Dec 1820, bap. 25 Mar 1821 in Hitchin) son of Squire Day and Sarah Hobbs, married Ellenor Hannah (Ellen) Wilton (b. 5 Aug 1812, bap. 11 Jan 1829 in Royston, Hertfordshire), daughter of Stephen Wilton and Elizabeth Hankin, in Royston, Hertfordshire, in 1842. 

John and Ellen Day had six children: 
  1. Henry Wilton Day b. 1843 D Quarter in ROYSTON BUNTINGFORD Volume 06 Page 563
  2. Martha Hobbs Day b. 24 May 1845 (1845 J Quarter in CAMBRIDGE Vol 14 Page 12), bap. 17 Apr 1872 at St Mary The Great, Cambridge
  3. Ellen Day b.  1847 S Quarter in THE HITCHIN UNION Vol 06 Page 487 (Died, aged 9, in 1857 M Quarter in HITCHIN Vol 03A Page 160)
  4. Sarah Ann Day b. 1850 M Quarter in THE HITCHIN UNION Volume 06 Page 575. (Died 1850 D Quarter in HITCHIN Volume 06 Page 373)
  5. John Alfred Day b. 4 Jan 1852 (1852 M Quarter in BIGGLESWADE Volume 03B Page 336)
  6. Arthur Stephen Day b. 1855 J Quarter in HITCHIN Vol 03A Page 216
In 1851, John Day (30) Cabinet Maker Journeyman, Ellen Day (32ish) Dressmaker, Henry W (7), Martha H (5), Ellen (3), George Day (29) Master Tailor (John's brother) and Caleb Burrows (15), Lodger, lived in Dead Street, Hitchin - later renamed Queen Street, but that didn't improve it much. Dead Street was compared to the worst slums of London. Even in 1919: “Some houses had earth floors. The windows and doors were small and in a few cases the only window downstairs opened to a passage where there was no light and very little air. The only bedroom was like a stable loft, reached by a decrepit stairs or a ladder. Tea chests served as tables and 5 or 6 children in one bed was not unusual. It was very much survival of the fittest.

In 1861, living in Church Yard, in the same squalid, underworld area, of which was said, "Although the area was central, the whole district was taboo for the rest of Hitchin’s inhabitants." ... were John Day (41) Cabinet Maker Journeyman; Ellen Day (46), Henry Day (17) Butcher Journeyman; Alfred Day (9) and Arthur Day (6). Martha Day (14) was a House Maid in the household of Frederick Gillum (27), Cabinet Maker, in Sun Street, Hitchin

In 1871, listed as Helen Day (sic) (57) Dressmaker, Married; and Martha Day (24) Dressmaker, were living in Melbourne Street, Royston, Hertfordshire, while Alfred J Day (19) Reporter and Arthur S Day (15) Photographic Artist, were living with their grandfather, Squire Day (74) Upholsterer and Lodging House Keeper, in Back Street, Hitchin, Hertfordshire.

In 1881, Ellen Day (64) Widow, Dressmaker, Mother was living with Daniel Reeve (married to daughter Martha) in Water Lane, Kneesworth. (John Day had clearly died by 1881. It's possible he'd already died by 1871. Perhaps his death was the motivation for Martha's baptism in 1872, however, it hasn't been possible to isolate a suitable death in the relevant period.)

Subject to confirmation, it appears that Ellen Day died, with age estimated to 71, in 1889 M Quarter in HERTFORD UNION Volume 03A Page 278.

These pages are a work in progress. Follow That Page can monitor changes, as further research is done. Where something is unconfirmed, I've tried to make this clear, but include the information as it may provide further clues.

General Register Office (GRO) references for births and deaths, where appropriate, are quoted, so that you can more easily locate certificates. I do not routinely purchase certificates for any other than my direct ancestors, which I'm willing to share. If you have information, certificates, etc., you can offer, please get in touch.