Family Stories
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Saturday, 16 November 2024

John Winnall and Alice and Elizabeth Woodin

River Thames at Blackwall
cc-by-sa/2.0 - © Nigel Cox -

John Winnall (bap. 31 Mar 1642), son of Augustine Wynnall and Elizabeth Knighte, reputedly married Alice Woodin (bap. 3 May 1640 in Chislehurst, Kent), but I've been unable to locate a record of their marriage.

John and Alice Winnall were the parents of the following children:

  1. Elizabeth Winnall bap. 2 Jun 1669
  2. Mary Winnall bap. 30 Jul 1671
  3. Jo** Winnum (sic) bap. 12 Sep 1672 (Transcribed as Joyce Winnum, however, on the original written document, although the first name isn't easily readable, it says SON of John Winnum of Blackwall, Waterman and Alice. So I definitely don't think it's Joyce, but I do think that Winnum is an error and this is a son of the same John Winnall. John for the first name would be the obvious choice, but it doesn't look like that.)
  4. Alyce Winnall bap. 6 Mar 1673
  5. Augustine Winnall b. 14 Nov 1678, bap. 16 Nov 1678 (at 2 days old)
  6. Anne Winnall b. 3 Mar 1680, bap. 16 Mar 1680 (at 13 days old)
  7. Rachel Winnall b. ~1680 (Not found original baptism.)

All of the baptisms took place at St Dunstan's, Stepney and most specify son or daughter of John Winnall of Blackwall, Waterman and Alice.

So, not only was John Winnall born the same year as the start of the English Civil War, this places him and Alice in the capital at the time of the Great Fire of London. They also lived through the plague (1665-6). Interesting times.

It is also reputed that Alice Winnall died around 1681 and this looks likely (the absense of a baptism record for Rachel, as well as there being no record of the death of Alice, leads me to believe the two events are probably linked) as there is then a record of a marriage between John Winnall, Widower and Elizabeth Woodin, at St James Duke's Place, on 16 Nov 1682. "The long-vanished Parish Church of St James’s Duke’s Place is worth remembering for the notoriety it once enjoyed in performing irregular marriages within the City of London." If, as I suspect, John Winnall was marrying his deceased wife's sister, then this is exactly the sort of irregular marriage that Henry VIII's shenanigans probably created the need for this church to perform.

John and Elizabeth Winnall then had a son:

  1. John Winnall son of John Winnall of Blackwall, Waterman & Elizabeth bap. 25 Mar 1689 at St Dunstan's, Stepney

The record of the burial of John Winnall, on 16 Nov 1693 at St Dunstan's, Stepney, also lists him as John Winnall of Blackwall, Waterman at Poplar.

William Thomas of Blackwall, Waterman, Bachelor aged 24 years, married Mary Winnall of the same, Spinster, aged 22 years, by and with the consent of her mother, at St Dunstan's, Stepney on 11 Dec 1695. (Why did she need consent at that age? And this must have been her step-mother.)

Michael Bernar of Blackwall, Mariner, a Bachelor aged 20 years married Anne Winnall of the same place, Spinster, aged 17 years or thereabouts (clearly, she was 16) at St Dunstan's, Stepney on 27 Dec 1696. Michael, certainly started out life as Michel. Their daughter Elizabeth Bernar was baptised on 8 Oct 1699 at the French Protestant Church of London - The French Church (Threadneedle St) - the record specifically mentions 'French Huguenot', those who, after French King Louis XIV issued the Edict of Fontainebleau (1685), were forced to either convert to Catholicism or flee as refugees. (Samuel Pepys the diarist and naval administrator, who had links to influential members of the congregation, is known to have worshipped at Threadneedle Street with his French wife, Elizabeth de St Michel. [Source])

On 13 Dec 1698, Augustine Winnall was admitted into the Freedom of the City of London by Redemption in the Company of Embroiderers, paying forty six shillings and eight pence. (Although few of the privileges remain, all Liverymen are still granted the Freedom of the City of London, which is obtained in one of three ways: by right of servitude (apprenticeship to a freemen), by right of patrimony (son or daughter of a freemen), or by redemption (purchase with the approval of the corporation).

William Soper of Blackwall in the Parish of Stepney in the County of Middlesex, Shipwright & a Bachelor aged 26 years, married Alice Winnall of the same place, aged 24 years, on 15 Dec 1698 St Dunstan and All Saints. Their son, John Soper was baptised at St Dunstan's on 22 Mar 1701.

Elizabeth Winnall of Blackwall was buried at St Dunstan's on 18 Jun 1702.

Augustine Winnall from King's Arms Yard, was buried at St Sepulchre, Holborn, City of London (St Sepulchre-without-Newgate) on 18 Mar 1706.

In the records of Thames Watermen & Lightermen 1688-2010, there is a John Winnall, in Blackwall, apprenticed to a Master Winnall, in 1707.

These pages are a work in progress. Follow That Page can monitor changes, as further research is done. Where something is unconfirmed, I've tried to make this clear, but include the information as it may provide further clues.

General Register Office (GRO) references for births and deaths, where appropriate, are quoted, so that you can more easily locate certificates. I do not routinely purchase certificates for any other than my direct ancestors, which I'm willing to share. If you have information, certificates, etc., you can offer, please get in touch.