Family Stories
Everyone Has A Story ...

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Frederick John Jago and Emily Louisa Hawkins

Sheppey - Minster Abbey church from the east
cc-by-sa/2.0 - © Rob Farrow -
The Abbey of St Mary and St Sexburga, Minster-in-Sheppey

Charles Ridler (bap. 17 Jul 1864 in Luxborough, Somerset), son of William Ridler and Fanny Howe, married Emily Louisa Hawkins (b. 22 May 1869 in Notting Hill, London), daughter of Henry Hawkins and Sarah Ann Tooze, in Strood, Kent in 1890, with whom she had three children:
  1. Eva Ridler b. 1 Mar 1892 J Qtr in MEDWAY Volume 02A Page 591
  2. May Ridler b. 20 May 1893 J Qtr in MEDWAY Vol 02A Page 616
  3. Arthur Ridler b. 16 Oct 1898 D Qtr in MEDWAY Vol 02A Page 644
In 1891, Charles Ridler (26) Constable of Metropolitan Police from Somersetshire, was at the Police House at H M Dockyard, Sheerness, while Emily L Ridler (21) was still living at her parents' home in Sheerness.

In 1901, Charles Ridler (36) Constable Metropolitan Police from Somerset was living in Police Quarters, 12, Chattenden Lane, Frindsbury, Kent, with Emily Ridler (31), Eva Ridler (9), May Ridler (7) and Arthur Ridler (2).

However, Charles Ridler died, at 42, 1n 1907 J Quarter in STROOD Volume 02A Page 369 and was buried at Sheppey Cemetery on 13 Apr 1907.

Frederick John Jago (27) Bachelor, Engine Fitter, son of John Edwin Jago and Harriett Eliza Philpott, then married Emily Louisa Ridler (40) Widow, at The Abbey Church of St Mary and St Sexburga (Seaxburh of Ely), now the parish church of Minster-in-Sheppey, on 23 Oct 1909. Witnesses were Arthur Hawkins, the bride's younger brother and Eva Ridler, her daughter.

Frederick John and Emily Louisa Jago added a daughter:
  1. Doris Jago b. 16 Nov 1910 D Qtr in SHEPPEY Vol 02A Page 945
In 1911, at 4 Delamark Road, Sheerness, Kent, were Frederick John Jago (29) Engine Fitter, Emily Louisa Jago (41), Doris Jago (4 months), Eva Ridler (19) General Servant: May Ridler (17) Housemaid and Arthur Ridler (12).

In 1921, living at 2, Delamark Road, Sheerness, were Frederick John Jago (39) Engine Fitter at HM Dockyard Sheerness; Emily Louisa Jago (52), Doris Jago (10), William Henry Hawkins (50) Skilled Labourer at HM Dockyard Sheerness (Emily's brother); Eva Ridler (29) and Joan Ridler (4) (Born 1916 D Quarter in MEDWAY Volume 02A Page 1289, she appears to be Eva Ridler's illegitimate daughter); and two boarders Daniel Ernest Winterflood Crosby (39) Shipwright at HM Dockyard Sheerness and Mabel Alice Crosby (37), as both are listed as married, one images they're husband and wife. Harold Wright (35) Marine Engineer for the Admiralty; May Wright (28) and Alan Wright (1) were living next door at 4, Delamark Road, Sheerness.

In 1939, still living at 2 Delamark Road, Sheerness, were Frederick John Jago (b. 2 May 1882) Engine Fitter; Emily Louisa Jago, Eva Ridler, Arthur Ridler, Boilermaker; and Joan Ridler, Waitress and Shop Assistant. And, still living next door at 4 Delamark Road, Sheerness were Harold J Wright, Marine Engineer Admiralty Fleet Fuelling; May Wright and Alan Wright.

Frederick John Jago died, on 29 Oct 1956 (1956 D Quarter in SHEPPEY Volume 05B Page 650).

Emily Louisa Jago, died in Sheppey, Kent, on 26 Sep 1958.

  • Eva Ridler died in 1981, having never married.
  • May Ridler (23) had married Harold James Wright (30) on 1 Jun 1916 at Minster in Sheppey, Ss Mary & Sexburga. They had two sons, Leslie Wright b. Q4 1917, who died the same quarter and Alan Wright b. 15 Jul 1919, bap. 31 Jul 1919 at Holy Trinity, Sheerness. Harold James Wright died, in Sheerness in 1967; May Wright died in 1984 and Alan Wright appears to have died in 2019.
  • Arthur Ridler, who served in the Merchant Navy, does not appear to have married. He died, in Kent, in 1976.
  • Doris Jago died in 1987, in Sheppey, also unmarried.

These pages are a work in progress. Follow That Page can monitor changes, as further research is done. Where something is unconfirmed, I've tried to make this clear, but include the information as it may provide further clues.

General Register Office (GRO) references for births and deaths, where appropriate, are quoted, so that you can more easily locate certificates. I do not routinely purchase certificates for any other than my direct ancestors, which I'm willing to share. If you have information, certificates, etc., you can offer, please get in touch.