Family Stories
Everyone Has A Story ...

Saturday, 8 June 2024

Thomas Tooze and Dorothy Woodbery

Holcombe Rogus : All Saints Church
cc-by-sa/2.0 - © Lewis Clarke -

Thomas Tooze (b. 1735) married Dorothy Woodbery (b. 1746), daughter of Jeremiah Woodbery and Ann Brice, at All Saints Church, Holcombe Rogus on 8 Jun 1767. Both were 'of the parish'. It looks as if Thomas Tooze was able to sign his own name, while Dorothy made her mark. Witnesses were Sarah Webber and John Hurly. Thomas' baptism record is not available.

Records exist for six children of this couple:
  1. Sarah Tooze bap. 5 Apr 1768 in Holcombe Rogus. Died as an infant and was buried on 5 Aug 1771, also in Holcombe Rogus.
  2. Mary Tooze bap. 15 Oct 1769 in Holcombe Rogus. Appears to have died at 32, and was buried in Holcombe Rogus in 1802.
  3. Sarah Tooze bap. 12 Jul 1772 in Holcombe Rogus. 
  4. Thomas Tooze bap. 23 Mar 1776 in Holcombe Rogus. 
  5. George Tooze bap. 15 Jun 1778 in Holcombe Rogus. 
  6. Elizabeth Tooze bap. 4 Feb 1780 in Holcombe Rogus. Died as an infant and was buried on 17 Apr 1784, again in Holcombe Rogus.
Thomas Tooze was buried in Holcombe Rogus in 1818 and Dorothy in 1820.

These pages are a work in progress. Follow That Page can monitor changes, as further research is done. Where something is unconfirmed, I've tried to make this clear, but include the information as it may provide further clues.

General Register Office (GRO) references for births and deaths, where appropriate, are quoted, so that you can more easily locate certificates. I do not routinely purchase certificates for any other than my direct ancestors, which I'm willing to share. If you have information, certificates, etc., you can offer, please get in touch.